Should I feel bad? I don't know. I have to admit, I don't feel much loyalty to my grad school over my undergrad, U-M. Had a chance to hit the big game on Saturday, but I am just
swamped with so much nonsense. Marketing plan to write for AMR, SPSS for Market Research (this class is a joke), Real Estate assessment project (Sussman rules), figuring out how to fix Kingdom of Heaven for Entertainment Marketing...don't forget the job search (please hire me Harrah's!). I think I am ready to go off the deep end. So all this has conspired to compel me to sell my ticket to the UCLA-USC game (with Aaron's since a pair is more valuable than a single) for $200, initial investment of $70. Almost got an Xbox in the attempts to wheel and deal over the tickets, I am disappointed by the annoying grinding noises my PS2 makes and the long load times...yet damn you Microsoft, you haven't dropped the price of the Xbox yet. Then again, you're probably still losing $$$ on every box, even at $150 - but COME ON! Go Bruins!
I love Pikasa - it makes it so easy to stick pictures in the Blog, and sort photos...
GPS - Thanks to Stephane and Joel I. for the hookup, I don't know what I did before I got my BT GPS receiver and LifeDrive!
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