Named a new dean to my MBA Program. About bloody time! I saw her a bit later in a Welcome Reception. She doesn't look as hot as she does here.
I hope she can bring UCLA-Anderson up into the big leagues. It's got some particular aspects which make it challenging (for instance, the notorious reluctance of students to leave the state, if not the LA area). I was talking to someone the other day and they were telling me about students complaining about going to Vegas or Texas for a summer internship (something with "as" at the end). WTF is wrong with these people? It's a
summer! It's only your professional growth we're talking about here! Idiota!
Man, living out here has made me soft. I'll admit it. It's always an eye opener, moving to a new place. Lived in MI for my young adult life, and it sucked - but I had no idea how much it sucked UNTIL I moved to DC. I could only visit...I don't think I could live there any more, even 2 years for an MBA - one of the best that's out there, and likely only to get better with the $100M (so that's all it takes to get your name on a business school?). Then, after moving out here to CA, I came to realize that you don't have to suffer the brutal humidity I had lived through in Maryland, Michigan and DC summers - the suffocating sweat that pours out as soon as you step out of the air conditioning and into the outdoors. Now, the missus has heard me complain on relatively hot NJ days, after living in CA. What a wimp I've turned into.