Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sent today, but long overdue.

My William Hung hate mail.

Hey William:

I am a 29 year old asian male, born and raised in the US. I've faced discrimination in my past and present, in various subtle and not-so-subtle forms. I have to say that your "act" is pathetic and sets back asian men in this country by decades. The idea that you have a "career" as a novelty act makes me sick; your audiences are laughing at you, not with you. As a result, many of them think that you are representative of all asians - emasculated, ignorant of their surroundings and of people's actual perceptions of them, and generally as a complete joke.

Thanks for making the rest of our lives more difficult - every time asians take one step forward, with movies like "Better Luck Tomrrow," there's a roach like you that steps in to set them back four. You are as embarassing to Asians as OJ Simpson is to African-Americans. For god's sakes, please go away so the rest of us can go about undoing the havoc you've wreaked to us in general.


Chris Tam


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